Attributes are a collection of facility information including conditions that may appear on the Personal Care Home licence.
Authorized Capacity:
The maximum number of residents permitted to be accommodated in a home as stated on the licence. Also referred to as “Beds (AC)”.
Beds (AC):
The maximum number of residents permitted to be accommodated in a home as stated on the licence. Also referred to as “Authorized Capacity.”
Condition on licence:
All licences have a condition that requires them to operate in accordance with the most recent edition of the Licensees’ Handbook. Other conditions on a licence may clarify what care can and cannot be provided in the home, and identify unique actions the licensee must take to remain in operation.
Items found to be not in compliance with the requirements under The Personal Care Homes Act at the time of inspection.
An examination of a personal care home, completed by an official from the Ministry of Health, to assess compliance with the Personal Care Homes Act, the Personal Care Homes Regulations, and Licensees’ Handbook.
Intermediate Care:
An intermediate level of care includes: (i) Supervision of behavior; (ii) Supervision and some assistance with personal care; (iii) Assistance with specialized care; (iv) Supervision and/or one person assist transfers and/or mobility.
The person(s) or corporation who applied for the licence and received it in their name(s), is/are the licensee(s).
Light Care:
A light level of care includes: (i) Resident is independent with personal care. May need reminders and cueing; (ii) Minimal specialized care (e.g. supervising a resident with their own specialized care); (iii) Independent with transfers and mobility.
Residents at Risk of Wandering:
Any resident with a long- term memory deficit or any other condition where a resident has demonstrated a tendency to wander. This includes, but is not limited to, conditions such as Alzheimer Disease, stroke, etc.
Specialized Care:
Health care services provided by health care professionals that are required by a resident, but does not include personal care.
Unresolved Infractions:
Infractions identified during an inspection that have yet to be corrected by the licensee.